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2016/2017 Full List of JAMB Subject Combinations
For All Courses
JAMB Subject Combinations for Sciences:

1. Medicine and Surgery:
Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry

2. Agricultural Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

3. Computer Science:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and one of Biology,
Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics and Geography

4. Biochemistry:
Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry

5. Biological Sciences:
Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics or

6. Physics:
Use of English, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or

7. Mathematics:
Use of English, Mathematics and any two of Physics,
Chemistry, Economics, Biology and Agricultural Science.

8. Chemistry:
Use of English, Chemistry and two of Physics, Biology
and Mathematics.

9. Nursing:
Use of English, Physics, Biology and Chemistry

10. Food, Science and Technology:
Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics / Physics and
Agric Science

11. Pharmacy:
Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry

12. Industrial Chemistry:
Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics and any of
Physics/Biology/Agricultural Science.

13. Fisheries:
Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science
and any other Science subject.

14. Geology:
Use of English and any three Chemistry, Physics,
Mathematics, Biology and Geography.

15. Geography:
Use of English, Geography and any two of Mathematics,
Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Agricultural Science.

16. Surveying an Geoinformatics:
Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of
Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.

17. Statistics:
Use of English, Mathematics and any two of Physics,

18. Building:
Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of
Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.

19. Microbiology:
Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and either Physics or

20. Botany:
Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and any other Science

21. Zoology:
Use of English, Biology and any two of Physics,
Chemistry and Mathematics.

22. Pure and Applied Mathematics:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Biology or
Agric Science or Chemistry or Geography.

23. Agriculture:
English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and any one of
Physics and Mathematics.

24. Agricultural Economics:
English Language, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural
Science and Mathematics.

25. Agric-Extension:
English, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science plus
Mathematics or Physics.

26. Agronomy:
English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or

27. Animal Production and Science:
Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agric Science and

28. Crop Production and Science:
English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and Mathematics
or Physics.

29. Soil Science:
English, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science plus
Mathematics or Physics.

30. Veterinary Science:
English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology

31. Forestry:
Use of English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and
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