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King George


Emily as Queenstar Anaafi

Emily, born Queenstar Anaafi, is one of the leading characters on the YOLO TV Series. Queenstar’s role involves a young beautiful rich girl, well-raised by responsible and caring parents, turning her into a well-groomed adolescent.

‘If she’s out, she’s with either Cyril or at the Youth Corner, and her parents are very involved with her, so Emily in her own character is not a bad girl.’

In the YOLO TV series (Seasons 1 and 2), Emily is pursued by Cyril (considered next) and eventually falls for her first love, although in upcoming Season 3, their relationship turns to fall on hard rocks. In Season 2, Cyril takes a turn away from Emily and focuses on a beautiful student he tutors.

Things go south, and Cyril ends up head-on with highly-classified rhetorical questions from Emily.

Series relationship aside, Emily relates how being a part of the cast for YOLO has helped her get in touch with her inner personality.

In her own words:

“I used to be a very shy, reserved person, but because of my involvement, my interaction with the people on set, I’ve been able to overcome this.”

Indeed, asked to play the role of the rich kid on the block comes with a lot of perks and requires getting up to speed to being what the writers and directors envision for the character. Emily plays her role well, and for many, concentrating on the show gets a little bit harder than usual sometimes, as Emily’s beauty and smartness keep swaying them.

In the show, Emily represents, to some extent, the exact opposite of Drogba, as the cautious, careful and forward-thinking adolescent, who in many situations, weighs her options before taking a step, especially in issues relating to her relationship with Cyril and her love life.

Emily’s not in a good mood. Cyril, what did you do?
Throughout the show, Emily is one of the few characters who set a good example and lead a good moral life, unlike Drogba and George (both discussed below).

Featuring alongside celebs makes her role relatively difficult as the standard she is required to meet is higher. Emily’s role can be seen as one not entirely complex to fit into. However, she’s mingling with great minds and actors/actresses, putting on edge to push the limits and excel.


Aaron Adatsi as Cyril
Cyril, born as Aaron Adatsi, remains the center of the YOLO TV series and happens to be one of the characters tossed about in many situations, from relationships to hanging out with friends.

Cyril, in YOLO, was raised by Auntie Enyonam (discussed below). Auntie Enyonam learned her lessons the hard way, after getting in a relationship with Pusher and ended up being pregnant.

Unfortunately, Cyril grows up in a divided family, with his biological dad being an auto-mechanic and mom, a boutique manageress.

If an occasional visit by Cyril’s dad was welcome, the whole twist between Enyonam and Pusher wouldn’t have been, as portrayed in the show, tense and unpredictable.

Cyril sets his eyes on this young, beautiful girl from a relatively wealthy family, namely, Emily. He strives to win Emily’s heart, going as far as succumbing to gravity and going on his knees to apologize to Emily for a bad move taken.

Cyril: “Personally, I think YOLO is full of morals. Basically, YOLO is adolescent reproductive health, and I think the target is the youth

Although his apology takes effect and starts curing Emily’s heart, the likely ‘placebo’ effect she feels for her first love wouldn’t last as Cyril can’t help it but entangles himself with a student of his.

As Richard Castle would put it, Cyril is ‘ruggedly handsome’, which makes him a worthwhile prey for many young ladies looking for a strong, smart and handsome guy with great brains to be by their side.

Is Cyril getting himself in trouble?

Fortunately (or unfortunately), this comes to the attention of Cyril’s girlfriend and first love, and things start going south with their relationship in Season 3.

“I mean we don’t have to rush, I believe on step at a time. We should seek the right advice, before we go into sexually related issues”

Cyril represents a young boy who’s to some extent, naive about how to handle himself about girls, and finds himself pulled here and there, sometimes getting confused.

He leans to his instincts too sometimes, however, such moves in many cases reflect his inexperience. On that note, his many friends try to so-called help him, but sometimes end up adding insults to injury.

Aaron strives to live an upright life and try as much as possible to do things right the first time. In the show, it gets a bit thin the lines between Cyril being a bad boy or a good one; hard to tell. But, he’s a good kid in the heart, just happens to find himself in the wrong hands sometimes, which drives him into tight slippery corners.

Does Cyril get derailed thanks to the boisterous, bad friends he makes?


John B. Peasah as Drogba
Obviously not the footballer Drogba, this YOLO Series cast, born John B. Peasah, is “naughty”. Drogba’s character portrayal is the personification of exactly what any youth in Ghana, and in the world for that matter shouldn’t become.

Drogba, a.k.a Bro Charles, according to his character in the series, remains one hard to deal with, engulfing himself in a cloud of mystery and betrayal.

His well-known moves relate to how he targets ladies and plans to ‘run’ as many unsuspecting ladies in his neighborhood as possible.

Bro Charles is careless, reckless, loveless and selfish. Drogba’s greatest victim happened to be the bread seller, Serwah. Consider Serwah as the exact opposite of Araba.

Irrespective of the fact that Bro Charles happened to contract an STI in his ladies-hunting-spree, he tends to fail most of the times keeping his manhood at where they belong. The message of reproductive health runs through the series, and unfortunately, Drogba became the first to realize and catch such a horrible infection.

If only that would have kept Bro Charles away from his old ways onto a new chapter, easter eggs from Season 3 indicates, Drogba goes on with his bad way of life, to the extent he’s seen teaching a new face in this season how to pronounce his name, ‘Bro Charles’

Bro Charles teaches pronunciation of “Bro Charles”

Bro Charles remains the only character throughout the show viewers can learn probably nothing positive from.

He’s a bad peer and cunningly lures his unsuspecting friends to yield to his wishes. In many cases, he gets himself in trouble.

Drogba is confident, articulate and smart, but making a mess of his life, hanging out in a dilapidated apartment somewhere in the neighborhood.

Bro Charles, at the end of Season 2, is confirmed to be a dad. Does Bro Charles turn around to become a responsible Dad in Season 3? Maybe, but likely not. Remember, he’s teaching how to pronounce “Bro Charles” to, yet another fresh lady.

Bro Charles: ‘Drogba is naughty … he’s just, eeh, bad, you know, and living his life and don’t care what people think about him. You know, if you fool he go preg you, that kind of thing.

John enjoys his character but considers himself reserved and shy. His role dictates him to be we find him to be, but that obviously in no way reflects his real life personality.

So the next time you meet Drogba, don’t panic, he’s neither there to run your girlfriend nor ‘clear’ you if you’re a lady.

King George

Desmond Danso as King George
A king indeed! King George, born Desmond Danso Sakyi, knows all in the YOLO series. George is the informant, the all-knowing and go-to for the latest info on issues within and around the neighborhood.

King George knows where who is at what time easily just as the back of his hand.

King George, in his own words, describes his role:

“[George] is a reckless guy, when I say reckless I mean he gets what he wants whenever he wants it. Basically, when it comes to information, he has it all. When it comes to protection, he’s top notch, he protects, he actually protects everything he likes.

George is considered ‘BÉ”ha bÉ”ha’ which simple means in English as ‘Here and there’. It is an expression used to describe people who are not trustworthy and can’t be relied on.

‘BÉ”ha bÉ”ha’ people end up as good gossipers and opening up to them is the worst you can ever do. King George will tell it as it is, however with more than enough additions to make what looks like a spark appears as a forest fire.

In Season 3, we notice how George tries to confuse Auntie Enyonam, and her reaction tells it all how deceptive George can be. You don’t want to take his word for what it is.

Auntie Enyonam clinging for the cure from George’s venomous lies!
As simple rule of thumb with George is this, ‘If he tells you to look up, don’t just look down, even better, run away.’

King George hardly belongs to a camp and makes it his daily target to instigate troubles and bad outcomes for those he comes in contact with.

One example of his troubling instigation was his gossip about the plans Cyril had to travel, although none of that was true. He even had plans of travel, so he says, at a point in time. Did he? I doubt he even knows the road to the Passport Office, how much more the Embassy or Airport.

When asked if the role he plays reflects who he is in reality, Desmond tries to convince his audience, however, it is hard to believe him.

“At the end of the day, I’ve come to understand You Only Live Once, but live it well.”

That is a great sign of how he’s embraced his role so well it can be hard differentiating him from his role and his actual personality. He knows what and how it is like to be cunning and deceitful, he knows, however, I doubt in person, Desmond of that type.

Desmond even considers everyone to have elements of ‘George’ in them, people who hype whatever they think of or believes in but end up never doing it. You know any friend who’s like George?

King George is able to think on his feet and wit. As much as he’s a complex character to deal with, he tries to think straight and find his ways through issues.

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